© The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
Do You Remember Me?
First Name:Franca |
Last Name:Limentani |
Update:Franca Limentani’s picture was taken on July 15, 1946, so it could be sent to the family in the United States that was helping her and her family right after the end of World War II. In May 1946, Mrs. Mina Tropp contacted the American Jewish Congress and chose to help four children: two young girls in Rome, Franca Limentani and Bruna Tagliacozzo, as well as Peter Cohen in Romania and Leon Pulka from Cherbourg. Read more about Franca Limentani. |
Associated Country:Italy |
This child was one of millions whose lives were disrupted as a result of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution. If you have any information about this person, please click the “I remember this child!” button below and share with us what you know.