© The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
Do You Remember Me?
First Name:Theodore |
Last Name:Meicler |
Update:Theodore Meicler was born and lived with his mother, father, and younger brother, Marcel, in Brussels, Belgium. Theodore stayed in several places of hiding during the war. His parents first hid him with a farmer’s family in a small Belgian village. This family soon became frightened by the consequences of hiding a Jewish child, so his parents took him back before 1942. In December 1942 the Gestapo took his father away. Shortly after, Theodore’s mother arranged for herself, Theodore, and Marcel to go into hiding with Gentiles. Each family member was in a different place of hiding in Belgium, and all three survived the war. Read more about Theodore Meicler. |
Associated City:Etterbeck |
This child was one of millions whose lives were disrupted as a result of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution. If you have any information about this person, please click the “I remember this child!” button below and share with us what you know.